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SSA Mohito drink type / Mojito flavour concentrate.


Super Aromas | Food flavours


A flavor is similar to the popular Mohito drink: sour lime combined with fine brown sugar and fresh mint leaves. The main ingredient is white, sweet rum combined with sparkling water.

Average dosage: 0,4 - 2,8 g/kg

Solubility in water: Yes

Carrier: water, inverted sugar syrup, citric acid, xanthan gum (the aroma has a milky, thick texture, milk color)


Fats, calories: No

Product code: SA-2022182



Super Aromas | Categories: beverages, dairy, sweets, confectionery, bakery

Production applications: jams, candies, jellies, ice creams, creams, beverages with coffee, sweets, nutrition, and functional food, pharmacy, and supplements

Table enclose suggested dosage:

Creams0,4 - 1,2 g/kg
Drinks0,6 - 1,8 g/kg
Candies0,8 - 2,0 g/kg

Additional information: Given dosage is suggested only, therefore it does not release the manufacturer from performing technological tests.

Mohito (Sobucky)

PriceFrom $4.00
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